首页 > 资讯 > 欧亚艺术留学 > 香港理工大学设计学院研究生(学位课程大改革)


2023-02-08 16:58:50 来源:壹壹艺术留学网 阅读量:928
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香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,简称PolyU)。PloyU同样也是香港地区历史最悠久的高校之一,在2022年QS艺术设计类院校排名16,综合类院校排名66,对于既看重专业排名也看重综合排名的同学们来说,PloyU是一个非常不错的选择。

当然,PloyU还有一个无可替代的优势,它是香港地区唯一一所拥有设计学院(PolyU Design)的大学。在经历过研究生课程和教职工的改革重组之后,设计学院以全新的专业设置面向所有艺术留学生们。原有的Design Practices(设计实践) Interaction Design(交互设计)International Design and Business Management(国际设计与商业管理)Urban Environment Design(城市环境设计)从2022/2023学年开始会消失在设计学院的研究生课程名单之上,而Design Strategies(设计策略)专业也从全日制课程转型为非全日制课程。

PloyU Design在保留下来的MSc Multimedia & Entertainment Technology(多媒体娱乐科技)专业的基础上,一共引进了4种设计硕士学位课程:

•  MDes Transitional Environments Design 


•  MDes Smart Service Design


•  MDes Intelligent Systems Design


•  MDes Innovative Business Design



Transitional Environments Design


The transitional design approach is about transferring an understanding of the socio-cultural dynamics into new design strategies and design interventions.



Compulsory Subjects

- Research and Analysis for Design
- Research and Academic Writing

- Regenerative Ecosystems Design
- Territories, Societies, and Spatial Complexes

- Urban Systems and Strategies

- TED Capstone Research Project

Elective Subjects

- Design Methods (Advanced) 
- Design Project Management
- Design for Transformation
- UX Design Fundamentals
- Prototyping and Scripting
- Designing Services
- Design for the Biosphere
- Design for Change
- Design Systems Thinking

- Innovate with Lifestyle and Culture
- Theories in Interaction Design
- Advanced Visualisation and Interaction
- Advanced Service Design Methods and Tools
- Socio-Technical Service Ecosystem

- Systemic Innovation and Designing Future Services
- Regenerative Ecosystems Design
- Territories, Societies, and Spatial Complexes

- Interdisciplinary Project
- Interdisciplinary Studio
- Regenerative Environments Design

- Lab Studies in Human Cyber-Physical Systems
- Lab Studies in Systems Design
- Lab Studies in Intelligent Systems Construction
- Lab Studies in Data-Driven Service Design
- Lab Studies in Applied Technologies for Territorial Design

Smart Service Design 


Creating meaningful service interventions to meet broader societal and business challenges.



Compulsory Subjects

- Research and Analysis for Design

- Research and Academic Writing

- Advanced Service Design Methods and Tools

or Socio-Technical Service Ecosystem or

Systemic Innovation and Designing Future Services

- Lab Studies in Data-Driven Service Design

- Specialism Studio
- Capstone Research Project

Elective Subjects

- Design Methods (Advanced)

- Design Project Management

- Design for Transformation
- UX Design Fundamentals
- Prototyping and Scripting
- Designing Services
- Design for the Biosphere
- Design for Change
- Design Systems Thinking

- Innovate with Lifestyle and Culture
- Theories in Interaction Design
- Advanced Visualisation and Interaction
- Advanced Service Design Methods and Tools
- Socio-Technical Service Ecosystem
- Systemic Innovation and Designing Future Services
- Regenerative Ecosystems Design
- Territories, Societies, and Spatial Complexes

- Interdisciplinary Project
- Interdisciplinary Studio
- Regenerative Environments Design

- Lab Studies in Human Cyber-Physical Systems
- Lab Studies in Systems Design
- Lab Studies in Intelligent Systems Construction
- Lab Studies in Data-Driven Service Design
- Lab Studies in Applied Technologies for Territorial Design

Intelligent Systems Design


Designers see the world as systems to be organised and integrated.



Compulsory Subjects

- Research and Analysis for Design
- Research and Academic Writing

- Theories in Interaction Design or Advanced Visualisation and Interaction

- Lab Studies in Intelligent Systems Construction

- ISD Specialism Studio
- Capstone Research Project

Elective Subjects

- Design Methods (Advanced)
- Design Project Management
- Design for Transformation
- UX Design Fundamentals
- Prototyping and Scripting
- Designing Services
- Design for the Biosphere
- Design for Change
- Design Systems Thinking

- Innovate with Lifestyle and Culture
- Theories in Interaction Design
- Advanced Visualisation and Interaction
- Advanced Service Design Methods and Tools
- Socio-Technical Service Ecosystem
- Systemic Innovation and Designing Future Services
- Regenerative Ecosystems Design
- Territories, Societies, and Spatial Complexes

- Interdisciplinary Project
- Interdisciplinary Studio
- Regenerative Environments Design

- Lab Studies in Human Cyber-Physical Systems

- Lab Studies in Systems Design
- Lab Studies in Intelligent Systems Construction

- Lab Studies in Data-Driven Service Design
- Lab Studies in Applied Technologies for Territorial Design

Innovative Business Design


Applying integrative design thinking processes and methods to define business opportunities.



Compulsory Subjects

- Research and Analysis for Design

- Research and Academic Writing 

- Design for Transformation

- Lab Studies in Human Cyber-Physical Systems

- Theme-Based Project
- Entrepreneurship Project

Elective Subjects

- Design Methods (Advanced)
- Design Project Management
- Design for Transformation
- UX Design Fundamentals
- Prototyping and Scripting
- Designing Services
- Design for the Biosphere
- Design for Change
- Design Systems Thinking

- Innovate with Lifestyle and Culture
- Theories in Interaction Design
- Advanced Visualisation and Interaction
- Advanced Service Design Methods and Tools
- Socio-Technical Service Ecosystem
- Systemic Innovation and Designing Future Services
- Regenerative Ecosystems Design
- Territories, Societies, and Spatial Complexes

- Interdisciplinary Project
- Interdisciplinary Studio
- Regenerative Environments Design

- Lab Studies in Human Cyber-Physical Systems
- Lab Studies in Systems Design
- Lab Studies in Intelligent Systems Construction
- Lab Studies in Data-Driven Service Design
- Lab Studies in Applied Technologies for Territorial Design

How to Apply?


^ IELTS:6.0

^ TOEFL (Internet-based):80

^ TOEFL (Paper-based):550


一般来说,作品集的内容可以包括你所做的最先进的设计。PolyU Design对自创的实验性商业性的作品中的概念发展过程感兴趣。必要时用简洁的描述来支持Sample,尽可能指出各个项目的参考资料。作品集可以包括但不限于你的概念、创意草图、计划、实验、测试数据以及与上述内容相关的过程。另外,如果是团体项目,请注明你在其中的贡献。

如果想要申请创新商业设计,PolyU Design可以接受申请者不提交与设计相关的作品集,但需要在面试过程中重点展示你的背景、兴趣和工作经验。


