艺术留学 伦敦时装学院本科专业:
1.皮革时尚配饰:产品设计与开发(Cordwainers Fashion Accessories:Product Design and Development BA)
2.皮革鞋类:产品设计与开发(Cordwainer Footwear: Product Design and Development BA)
3.化妆品科学(Cosmetic Science BSc)
4.表演服装(Costume for Performance BA)
5.时装创新定位(Creative Direction for Fashion BA)
6.时装商务(Fashion Business BA Part time)
7.时装概要(Fashion Contour BA)
8.时装设计与开发(Fashion Design and Development BA)
9.时装设计与实现(Fashion Design and Realization Part time BA)
10.时装设计技术:男装(Fashion Design Technology: Menswear BA)
11时装设计技术:女装(Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear BA)
12.时装插图(Fashion Illustration BA)
13.时尚首饰(Fashion Jewellery BA)
14.时尚新闻(Fashion Journalism BA)
15.时尚管理(Fashion Management BA)
16.时尚媒介(Fashion Media BA)
17.时尚摄影(Fashion Photography BA)
18.时尚运动服装(Fashion Sportswear BA)
19.时装织物(Fashion Textiles BA)
20.3D表演与时装特效(3D Effects for Performance and Fashion BA)
艺术留学 伦敦时装学院研究生专业:
1.时装工艺(Fashion Artifact MA)
2.时装:鞋子(Fashion Footwear MA)
3.时装设计与技术:男装 (Fashion Design Technology: Menswear MA)
4.时装设计技术:女装(Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear MA)
5.时装与环境 (Fashion and Environment MA)
6.舞台服装设计(Costume Design for Performance MA)
7.图案设计与服装技术(Postgraduate Diploma Pattern Design and Garment Technology)
8.时装:时装工业创造性图案裁剪(Postgraduate Certificate Fashion: Creative Pattern Cutting for the Fashion Industry)
9.时装业设计管理(Design Management for the Fashion Industry MA)
10.时尚媒体制作(Fashion Media Production MA)
11.时装历史与文化(History and Culture of Fashion MA)
12.时装策展(Fashion Curation MA)
13.时装与电影 (Fashion and Film MA)
14.时尚摄影(Fashion Photography MA)